The Creative Pharaoh 2009 .. 2025 ... مدونة المهندس الفيزيائى حسن السيسى

اى جملة فى هذه المدونة انا كتبتها او اى حكاية انا حكيتها مهما كانت صغيرة او كبيرة استطيع اثباتها اما بمستند رسمي او مكالمة تليفون مسجلة او فيديو مسجل
المدونة 510 مقالة ... 460 مقالة باللغة العربية و 50 مقالة باللغة الانجليزية و البومات مستندات و ادلة هامة جدا و عدة فيديوهات شخصية و تسجيلات صوتية
اشهد ان لا اله الا الله و اشهد ان محمد رسول الله ... و لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله ... و حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل ... وافوض امرى الى الله ان الله بصير بالعباد

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Thursday, October 1, 2009

My Birthday

Today is an important day in history because it is the Korean armed forces day so it is a very important day in Korea. I would like to send my greetings to the great Korean army. Also, it is the national day of China so over than 1000 millions are celebrating that day.
It becomes more and more important day in history because it is the day which I was born in…hehe. Although, I did not become a millionaire and I did not receive a Nobel Prize till now but I am still young and I will keep trying...hehe.
I think this year was the most difficult year in my whole life but I am satisfied of my performance and I think I was very good and I have passed successfully all my exams in life and in science. I am so grateful to the men of honor who helped me, my loyal friends, and my parents. I am so much grateful to my God that I am still alive and healthy because really, I want to achieve all my dreams as fast as possible and I am sure that I will achieve them God willing.