The Creative Pharaoh 2009 .. 2025 ... مدونة المهندس الفيزيائى حسن السيسى

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المدونة 510 مقالة ... 460 مقالة باللغة العربية و 50 مقالة باللغة الانجليزية و البومات مستندات و ادلة هامة جدا و عدة فيديوهات شخصية و تسجيلات صوتية
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Sunday, September 13, 2009

The General Concept of Respect

Hi All Earth members,
I had a conversation with my advisor who is Prof.Dr.Seong-Ju Park two days ago in his office about life. He is a real modest generous human so I asked him a general direct question about his behavior with his students and why does he respect his students too much in our laboratory meetings and in our class so he replied to me by a genuine sentence which is that “ I was a student someday so I put myself in the student position “ Really, he is a real scientist and a generous gentleman. The concept of respect is one of the most important concepts in our life and it is one of our great Human Rights.
The concept of respect is a mutual relation and it is impossible for anyone to respect someone who does not have the ability to respect others. Also, there is a big difference between the concept of respect and the concept of fear!!. Prof.Dr.Un-Chul Paek is one of the backbones of GIST but I used to walk with him in campus and also to sit in his office to discuss some issues of life hoping to get his wisdom. He used to show his respect to my opinions although, I am so young and he is like a pyramid but he behaves like this because he is a respectable man. All the students who took Prof.Dr.Kurt E.Geckeler course noticed that he used to welcome all the answers and he had never offended any student and he used to say everything is correct. He used to care about our feelings although sometimes we did big mistakes but he is a great respectable philosopher.
There are two famous boxers in history who are Mohamed Ali and Naseem Hamed and both of them used to use the same technique by disrespecting their competitors or in other words by teasing their competitors and they used to win their matches by that technique. Mohamed Ali was a legend of all times and he had been honored by all American presidents in his time. He is my hero and he will be my hero till the end of my life. God created all of us as free humans and this one of the reasons which made me so grateful to my God.
I hope that all of you will enjoy these two beautiful clips.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

911 And The Conspiracy Theories

Hi All Earth members,
I believe in the Chinese proverb which says "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for life." . I will attach three famous clips about the conspiracy theories of 911 Accident, Landing on the moon, and Kennedy assassination. I hope from all of you to make your own research in your free time and I am sure that you will understand lots of things in our life nowadays because there is only one link between the three events !!?. There is no need to mention that one of Barack Obama's white house employees had to resign four days ago after receiving a huge criticism from the republicans in the congress because he supported 911 conspiracy theory but there is a deep need to mention that Former Italian President and the man who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio Francesco Cossiga has gone public on 9/11, telling Italy's most respected newspaper that the attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad and that this was common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies.
I will try to introduce a new concept which is called the common mistake which is so close to the notion of the conspiracy theory but it is totally different than that notion. There is a common mistake among most of professors and scientists in the world about the wave-particle duality and I will do the same like I have done before and I will attach a very famous website and I hope from All of you to follow that website because it is more than amazing and lots of great scientists have video lectures in that website. This website contains very famous four lectures for Feynman who is a Nobel Laureate and one of the most famous physicists in our modern history. He gave these lectures since 30 years but it was released since 5 years only and he was explaining the illusion of the notion of the wave-particle duality. He was laughing of Einstein in these clips.

The purpose of that message is to show that, science and truth have no prophets and we should follow facts and results of our experiments only not the great scientists nor the media. The scientists are just humans and the media are made also by humans and it is too much easy and possible for any human to make mistakes because making mistakes is one of our human rights !!.
Science has no closed files and there is no prophet among our great scientists so we should rely on facts only.
A Hassan Elsisi Quote.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Men Of Honor Part I

In the first picture, I am with Prof.Dr.Seong-Ju Park who is my advisor and with all my laboratory members at our department sportive day. Prof.Park is a famous scientist inside and outside Korea and he is one of the best in the world in Nanosemiconductors. I used to say that he is a gentleman and he is well known in GIST as an extraordinary creative professor.
In the second picture I am with Mr. President Jung-Ho SONU who is the president of GIST and the previous president of Seoul national university and he is a major figure in South Korean higher education. He is the person who saved my future in South Korea and I am so grateful for his generosity because I decided to change SOFT Laboratory and to join NSL Laboratory after 5 months of my arrival to GIST so he helped me and supported me too too much by his power and wisdom. In the third picture I was giving a presentation in front of a German professor who is Prof.Dr.Kurt E.Geckeler and he is a great scientist besides being an extraordinary philosopher. I think GIST is a very prestigious institute and I am proud that I met with these great professors.
In the last picture, I am sitting beside Prof.Dr.Hassan Talaat in an international conference in Egypt. He was my advisor in Ain Shams university in Egypt and he is one of the main figures in Egypt in physics and in Laser technology. He was a college to Prof.Dr.Ahmed Zewail who got a Nobel prize 1999 in chemistry as a single winner and he is one of Obama's  advisors nowadays. I talked to Prof.Zewail  in the Egyptian Radio 10 years ago but I will mention the details later. Also, My advisor in Egypt is a friend to Prof.Dr.Mostafa El sayed who got the highest American medal in science 2008 in Nanotechnology and G.W.Bush who gave him the prize in a special celebration and also Prof.Mostafa was with us in this international conference in Egypt. All the three professors were friends in America and all of them are American Egyptians. Prof.Dr.Hassan Talaat is my Godfather and he is something big in my life and the first recommendation letter in my life was from him 5 years ago. These people in pictures are great humans and prestigious scientists and I am so grateful to all of them.

Men Of Honor Part II

In the first picture, I am standing beside Prof.Dr.Un-Chul Paek while he is sitting. He is the oldest professor in our institute. His students are respectable prestigious professors nowadays. I talked with him about 15 times and each time was about 20 minutes while we were walking together in our campus. I am so proud that I talked face to face with someone like him several times. I cannot find words which can express how much I am so grateful to him and how much I love and I respect him. He is a living pyramid or you can say that he is a living legend. He is too much modest and civilized. The most important oral recommendation letter for me in my whole life was from him.
In the second picture, I am standing beside Prof.Dr.Noh Do Young in a classroom in GIST. I had the honor to be one of his students in his class. He is a very kind talented Korean professor and he was the first one who believed in my talent in Korea and he gave me lots of his time although, he is the director of a big Korean national scientific project  - NCRC- but people like him who brought Korea a great reputation by their talent and kindness. In the third picture, I am standing beside Prof.Dr.Yong-Tak Lee in a conference. He is a prestigious Korean professor and he is one of the best in the world in Nano semiconductors. He is the first one who helped me in GIST. I am so so much grateful for his great generosity with me. He gave me A in two courses with him. In the last picture, I am standing beside Prof.Dr.Heechul Choi in a party. He is a wise man and a great politcian. He is the director of international affairs and I used to call him Mr. Ambassador.