The Creative Pharaoh 2009 .. 2025 ... مدونة المهندس الفيزيائى حسن السيسى

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المدونة 510 مقالة ... 460 مقالة باللغة العربية و 50 مقالة باللغة الانجليزية و البومات مستندات و ادلة هامة جدا و عدة فيديوهات شخصية و تسجيلات صوتية
اشهد ان لا اله الا الله و اشهد ان محمد رسول الله ... و لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله ... و حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل ... وافوض امرى الى الله ان الله بصير بالعباد

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Commencement Ceremony

I was the only student who took a picture beside the president yesterday and it will be one of the most important pictures in my whole life.

Mr. President Jung-Ho SONU  is the president of GIST and the previous president of Seoul national university. He is a major figure in South Korean higher education. He is the person who saved my future and my life in South Korea and I am so grateful for his generosity. He helped me and he protected me and I love South Korea because of him and the other people like him. He is like a grandfather to me and this is the first time in my whole life till now to say about anyone that he is like a grandfather to me because this is the greatest honor which I can give to anyone. I love him too too too much and I respect him too too too much. It was such a great honor to get my degree while he is the president of GIST because his signature over my degree is a great honor. He loves Korea and he is too much loyal to his country.

He is  Christian but he is a real ordinary Christian. I love Christians but I hate conservative Christians or in other words the fundamentalists. I think Korea has lots of fundamentalists and they tortured me too much in the last two years.  Omar who was with me in the previous picture was forced to leave GIST because of a christian professor and this happened also to several international students in the last years. I refused to quit because I have recieved a huge support from our new president who has changed the whole university completly. He is the president since 18 months but he made a complete new GIST by his great experience. Omar had been forced to leave GIST because he didnot have such great president at that time. Thank you very much Mr.President . I wrote this article in Singapore Airport because I had 7 hours transit.

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