The Creative Pharaoh 2009 .. 2025 ... مدونة المهندس الفيزيائى حسن السيسى

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المدونة 510 مقالة ... 460 مقالة باللغة العربية و 50 مقالة باللغة الانجليزية و البومات مستندات و ادلة هامة جدا و عدة فيديوهات شخصية و تسجيلات صوتية
اشهد ان لا اله الا الله و اشهد ان محمد رسول الله ... و لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله ... و حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل ... وافوض امرى الى الله ان الله بصير بالعباد

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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Reply To A Comment From Germany

I have received a comment from Germany on my previous article so I thought to post my reply to that comment …….

Dear Anne,

I miss you too much. I am a person who chooses his words carefully so I meant the word 
torture exactly because I was so close to die without any exaggeration. The psychological torture is the most painful thing in our world. My first advisor was one of the most important powerful people in my university and he said in public and in front of the students in a lecture that Muslims are thieves and we stole our religion from Christianity through a long story although I was a Muslim in front of him so I told him in front of the students that his behavior isn't educational and not acceptable. Some Korean students told me that they are teaching them in the Korean churches that Muslims have Quran in one hand and the knife in the other hand and as you know Korea is the country number 2 in the whole world in missionary. There is a big difference between to invite someone for a religion and to force someone by your power to believe in a religion!!My first advisor who was the Dean of planning and one of the most powerful people in the university told me that I should eat pork because my God sleeps at afternoon as an indirect insulting to Islam so I left the dinner for him and I kept fighting with him for months till I succeeded to change the laboratory to another laboratory. I became under the supervision of an atheist professor who is very famous but they kept persecuting me for one year. 

My first advisor was a very active person in the church  in South Korea so he was knowing what he is doing very well. Another Christian professor told me in a form of an indirect threat that I have to go back to Egypt when I asked from him to help me to change my laboratory because he believes that Korea became the country of Christians only and he told me that all the Christians will be my enemies if I complained to the president of GIST about their behavior with non Christians but I complained to the president and I told him that the university is for science not for missionary and we shouldn't discuss religions like this at all. The president protected me till I got my degree although he was also a Christian but the president was a powerful respectable Christian not a fundamentalist !!. Three international and Muslim students had huge troubles with this professor and they left his laboratory and one of them escaped to America without completing his degree !!?. 

Everything is registered officially and the whole university knows all these stories and my problem because it was a very long battle. Some great respectable Korean students and professors supported me and protected me but most of them are Buddhists and atheists. I complained to the Korean embassy and the prime Minster of Korea when I returned back to Egypt and I gave them clear proofs. The Assistant of the Korean ambassador in Cairo met with me after his request to meet me in the embassy after I had sent a detailed message to The Prime Minster of Korea.  Also, it is important to mention that over than 25 international  students took their bags in secret and escaped from this institute in the last yeas without completing their degrees because of different reasons although it is one of the top institutes in the world !!?.


Monday, March 29, 2010

The Most Extreme Christians In The World

First, I would like to mention that Egypt is my first home and South Korea is my second home. I love both of them two much and I was too much loyal to both of them. I love lots of great Korean people but I hate some Christians who are fundamentalists and they are my enemies and the enemies for all humans.

Second, Although, Christianity in South Korea is very very new but it is the country number 2 in the whole world in missionary !!!?. Buddhists and Atheists have huge troubles with christians in South Korea although they are more than 50 % of the whole population !!. I will attach some clips from YouTube - there are Lots in YouTube - and I will write a small comment about the torture which I have received for several months by those Christians. You will not believe what you will see in the coming clips and I have seen similar bad things of that kind by my own eyes in South Korea. I am from Port Said - The city of the great fighters - so I succeeded to get my degree and also I have succeeded to make big troubles to several conservative Christians.

Please, watch the coming videos carefully.

The Crazy Korean Christian Church Sermon

Several videos had been removed from Youtube after
I had sent the links to the Korean embassy in Egypt by fax and by emails.

Crazy Korean Christians make children crazy

South Korean Christians praying for Buddhist temple to collapse

Korean president Lee Myung-bak religion discrimination

Korean Christians don't like Islam

Korean Idiots - The Most Extreme Christians in the world

I said that in public in Korea and I said that to the administration of GIST several times. Lots of respectable professors supported me and lots of them protected me. Some Korean professors and students told me that those people are " The new Christians and they are destroying our country and our reputation " but we cannot do anything for them !!?. I have lots of emails and lots of proofs to prove each word and everything is registered officially. I have been threatened two times that " I will be killed by those new Christians because they don't want any Muslim in their country !!. I didnot allow for anyone to touch my religion or my country and this was my main problem in South Korea. I was a good Egyptian Muslim Fighter who won his war against Fundamentalists. Also, it is important to mention that over than 25 international students took their bags in secret and escaped from this institute in the last yeas without completing their degrees !!? .
هذه المقالة تم نشرها فى صحيفة دنيا الوطن العربية !!

ولن ترضى عنك اليهود ولا النصارى حتى تتبع ملتهم
قل إن هدى الله هو الهدى ولئن اتبعت أهواءهم بعد الذي جاءك من العلم ما لك من الله من ولي ولا نصير

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Korean Embassy in Egypt

I met with the consulate of the Korean embassy in Egypt after he had asked to meet me in Cairo. He  has ended his discussion with admitting that I am smart and the same situation had happened with the cultural counselor since two weeks in the embassy but he admitted that I am genius at that time in front of the Egyptian employee. I replied to each word of the report which had been sent by GIST by  clear proofs. I was well prepared and I expected every thing in the report. I replied in details which forced him to say that I am too much smart and I ended my talking with him by mentioning that I will keep fighting till the end of my life till I get my two legal requests [TWO] because I will not allow to anyone [Anyone] to touch Egypt or Islam even by words. But this morning I thought to reply in public with proofs also as usual. I have attached two official recommendation letters from two important professors in GIST who are Prof.Dr.Seong-Ju Park who is my advisor and the director of GTI and Prof.Dr.Noh Do Young who is one of my committee members and the director of CELA. So both of them are directors of national projects.

Prof.Dr.Seong-Ju Park knows me very well so he wrote that Hassan Elsisi is a hard worker and a creative student. I will explain why did he write this about me. I joined his laboratory while they were in the middle of the single photon project. They were making the simulation for the device. I told them that they are moving in the wrong direction and they will never get right results so my advisor became angry and he sent me an email telling me that I am just a student and I should search for another laboratory if I insisted in my opinion so I said OK but I did the simulation on my way of course because I was sure that I am right. At last the results of the Korean students wasn't good and my professor gave me 400 $ as a reward and they showed my simulation to the American professor who came from America to see the project and they ignored the other simulations. He wrote that I am a hard worker because I have learned a new software language and I finished the simulation in 36 days only !!?. Also, I did the same with the DBR and several things and everything is supported by emails of course. He wrote that I am creative because he had received several successful ideas and proposals in 6 months only and he used to mention that he likes my mind. 

To the people who wrote the report, I would like to mention that two Christian students refused to let me touch the simulator and they refused to give me even the book of instructions so I had to ask the computer of another department and to take the book from another Hindu student. The professor made a big problem for them when he discovered what they had done to me. I think the administration has the story and the emails also and they did this from the first day I joined the laboratory without any thing just because I am a Muslim who made a problem with a powerful Christian professor.

Prof.Dr.Noh Do Young wrote that he was amazed from my knowledge in physics and Quantum mechanics and this is one of the most important sentences in my whole life. Without his help and support I wouldn't get my degree and he saved my life two times because my health went bad because of torture and persecution for more than 6 months from the Christian conservative professors and the Christian students. The Christian professors tried to  increase the pressure and stress on me more and more through the Christian students

I love both of them and I respect both of them because they are great professors and I wish them all the best and to all the men of honor in South Korea who helped me and supported me. Also, I am so grateful for several Korean students who helped me by several ways in public and in secret.

At the End, I hope that the administration will not forget the six creative successful proposals which had been done by GIST to enhance the Korean institute. The person who made these proposals was an Egyptian Muslim Student called Hassan Elsisi !!!.

حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل              ان ينصركم الله فلا غالب لكم