The Creative Pharaoh 2009 .. 2025 ... مدونة المهندس الفيزيائى حسن السيسى

اى جملة فى هذه المدونة انا كتبتها او اى حكاية انا حكيتها مهما كانت صغيرة او كبيرة استطيع اثباتها اما بمستند رسمي او مكالمة تليفون مسجلة او فيديو مسجل
المدونة 510 مقالة ... 460 مقالة باللغة العربية و 50 مقالة باللغة الانجليزية و البومات مستندات و ادلة هامة جدا و عدة فيديوهات شخصية و تسجيلات صوتية
اشهد ان لا اله الا الله و اشهد ان محمد رسول الله ... و لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله ... و حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل ... وافوض امرى الى الله ان الله بصير بالعباد

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Helen Thomas

I cannot find words which can express how much I am so grateful to that great grandmother. Really, I hope that I can kiss her hands someday. She is a living brave legend. I am afraid that we are living in the age of women because that lady is better than thousand of coward men !!. Helen Thomas (born August 4, 1920) is an American author and a former news service reporter, Hearst Newspapers columnist, and the Dean of the White House Press Corps. I think her interview in the YouTube is the most important event in 2010 because she was the first one in the 21th century to put the Palestine conflict in its own right path !!. Helen said to Israeli people to get the hell out of Palestine and to go their homes in Poland or Germany. I think this is the most important statment ever in her entire life. She lost her job as usual but she got herself respect !!?. I am afraid that we are living in the age of women Nowadays because we have a deficiency in real men. The definition of Democracy according to the American dictionary is to agree with the American vision.

Through all my articles, I tried to emphasize on some fundamentals and I think this accident was an amazing proof for the concept of humanity. Rachel Corrie and Helen Thomas are Non-Muslim Americans but they were better than thousand of Muslims. Also, this is a clear message to the Islamic fundamentalists that Non-Muslims still our brothers and sisters because there are millions of Non-Muslims like Rachel Corrie and Helen Thomas.

I would like to end this article by sending my greeting and Appreciation to Prof.Dr.Yun Hee Jang because she was a woman of honor. I loved her too much and I respected her too much. She was my professor and my friend at the same time in GIST. I used to talk to her as my elder sister and to take her opinions in several things. I didn't take any class with her but I had a very good relation with her and she was an extraordinary Korean woman. I was hoping to upload her pictures with me but she doesn't like to put her pictures in Public and I have to respect her desire. Thank you very much Prof.Yun and all my best wishes for you.

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