The Creative Pharaoh 2009 .. 2025 ... مدونة المهندس الفيزيائى حسن السيسى

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المدونة 510 مقالة ... 460 مقالة باللغة العربية و 50 مقالة باللغة الانجليزية و البومات مستندات و ادلة هامة جدا و عدة فيديوهات شخصية و تسجيلات صوتية
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Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Old Conspiracy Against Egypt

The Pope of Egypt refused to discuss Nagaa Hammadi shooting with the delegation of the American Congress because it is an internal issue[an internal issue]. Egypt is a very very big Muslim country and I am sure that is clear. Our president is Hosni Mubarak not Barack Obama so no one and no country can tell us what to do because we know how to rule our country very well. Christians and Muslims love each other and we respect all people and all religions. I have bad news for our enemies that dividing Egypt can be done only in your dreams.......hehe. I will attach a very important picture and I hope from people to ask themselves about this picture and why the Pope of Egypt isnot in this picture !!?. Also, I will attach a collection of comments for me through a world wide discussion to prove to the people that it is an old conspiracy against Egypt not Nagaa Hammadi shooting. The Economist Journal deleted several comments for me and of course I know exactly why did they do like this !!?. I think I have won this discussion because some people agreed with me and some people escaped. Egypt is a very big Muslim country and Egypt is the home of the Muslims and Christians because both of them are Egyptians.
-   ---------- > The Economist Link

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Haiti Earthquake

I feel too much sorry for what happened to the Haitian people and I am too much sympathised with them. I hope that all the nations all over the world will introduce a great help for them. Usually I used to look to science and to the events from wide angles and to form my own vision through different angles. I will discuss in the article the Criminals Industry, the Human Trafficking, the Sex Trade, the Nuclear Experiments and the Illusion of the Modern World Civilization. We can discuss them easily because all of them are connected and related to the Haitian Earthquake from my personal point of view. The Criminals Industry is one of the most important industries in humanity history. I believe in that criminals are made not born and the world used to make his own criminals which it deserves. What do we expect from the children in Iraq and Palestine when they grow up under these circumstances of torture and suffering !!?. What do we expect from the children in Haiti when they are used in pornography and sex tourism !!?. What do we expect from the children in Africa when they are used as soldiers to get food for their families !!?. What do we expect from the children in Vietnam, Filipino, ........and Indonesia when they are used as slaves to conduct sex with the European and the American rich people for money !!?. All people know very well that Osama Bin Laden had very good relations and had been trained by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). We are too much good in making criminals because criminals usually are victims for previous big criminals. Money, Oil, .......and Power are the real rulers of our world.
The Human Trafficking is the fastest growing industry in the world. Haiti is one of the most famous countries in the world which is used in human trafficking and sex trade. The sale of babies and children for adoption is also another form of the human trafficking. The Nuclear Experiments are direct reasons for the strong EARTHQUAKES and TSUNAMIS which we had recently. Although, the western people are still fighting Iran and North Korea and I completely agree with them that we should prevent Iran of having a nuclear weapon but they are still running nuclear experiments in the oceans which cause earthquakes and tsunamis !!. It was better to help Haiti and the similar places in the whole world before the earthquake than to help them after the earthquake. we are one universe and all nations affect each other.
The Haiti Earthquake and the other similar events are messages from our GOD from my point of view. Although, I am a Muslim but also I am a scientist. I think it is a form of judgment or a punishment or as a warning for us as humans for what we had done !!. I think we deserve what we get. All these bad things should be removed from our world and all the real criminals should be removed from our societies. Lots of the real criminals are businessmen, ministers, and presidents !!. The Modern World Civilization is an illusional concept because animals are more civilized and more merciful than humans nowadays !!.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Meaning Of Creativity

One of my close friends in my institute told me that people will misunderstand my previous message and they will think that I am praising myself. I have six recommendation letters from six prestigious professors from Korea and Egypt so I am not in a need to praise myself beside I believe in that all humans are too too too much weak creatures. Any talent is a gift from our God in first principle so there is no need for anyone to feel proud or powerful or.....etc. I was only trying to give examples through true stories. All people will eat the apples when they fell down but Newton asked himself about the reason of falling !!?. I think the most important word in any dictionary is Why !!. I am in a deep need to mention that we used only Newton's Equations to put a satellite in the space !!?. 

I hope from people to read my previous article carefully because the relations between teachers and students are holy relations from my point of view which should be based on Mutual respect and freedom !!. Freedom will make creativity inside the students appears otherwise we are killing the talent inside the students. I think conducting science is moving in a very wrong direction nowadays in the whole world !!. There is a big difference between to create an idea and to copy or to mimic an idea. Also, there is a big difference between to be a researcher and to be a teacher because teaching is a talent in first principle and it is a very big responsibilty. I think fear is our main enemy in life and in science also.
All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.
A Pablo Picasso Quote.

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Creative Pharaoh

I will go to Egypt after several weeks so I thought to write this article before leaving GIST. The article will have credibility as long as I am still here because lots of people are following my blog in my institute .
1st Prof.Dr.Takhee Lee is a talented professor in my institute. He published in Nature journal several weeks ago so I thought to start with him. He invited a prestigious professor from POSTECH which is a very prestigious institute in Korea to give us a lecture in physics in our department. The lecturer started his lecture by mentioning that, his group and another group in Israel are the only groups in the world who are working in this point of research. He gave a genuine lecture. Then Prof.Takhee commented that, the lecture is excellent but it is even little difficult for him and he opened the lecture for discussions so I said that, it was a very good simple lecture and I can make this research move in a different direction and I explained my proposal. Prof.Takhee said it is impossible but I said it is possible and I explained my proposal in more details. The lecturer commented that it is a very good proposal and he expanded my explanation. I felt  happy because he was an open minded professor who has the ability to accept new creative ideas so fast without any hesitation. I did the same thing in sessions in ICNS conference and several scientists gave me their latest results as a form of appreciation.
2nd Prof.Dr.Takhee invited a prestigious professor from University of California which is a very prestigious institute in USA to give us a lecture in Nanoelectronics in our department. The same situation happened again and I told him that I don’t agree with 40 % of his results because I am working in single photon device and it is impossible for me to accept his simulations and I explained my point of view in front of all professors and all the students which is based on Quantum Mechanics point of view. The lecturer was one of the most genuine lecturers in my whole life and he said that really he doesnot know !!?. He came to me and he gave me his card and he asked from me to open a discussion and to exchange information with him through emails but of course I have instructions from my advisor not to discuss my research with anyone outside. I think people will understand the meaning of my blog title now !!.
3rd Prof.Dr.Dong-Seon Lee is one of the best lecturers ever in GIST and it is enough to mention that he was in University of California as a visiting scholar with one of the best professors in the whole world in GaN. He gave a lecture about recombination between electrons and holes for about an hour and after he had finished his lecture I went to him and I talked to him in a polite way and I told him that recombination is not like this and he said No and he is sure that his whole lecture is correct so I explained to him in front of all the students my point of view and he was the first professor to say that he is sorry and he did a big mistake in the whole lecture because he kept speaking for an hour about a wrong concept. I showed him and I explained to him my deep appreciation. He is a very genuine professor because he has the ability to admit that he did a mistake !!.
I have lots of similar true stories in Egypt and Korea but I will mention them in the right time to explain my vision to sciences. MIT is a very prestigious institute in USA and it is one of the top 5 in the whole world !!. MIT uploaded hundreds of video lectures and lots of these lectures contain corrections and apologies from professors for the mistakes which they had done in these videos and they discovered them later. The purpose of these true stories is to show that professors are humans also and it is easy for them to make mistakes. Also, we can make great new things as students easily because it is more important to work smart not to work hard. Also, I believe in that papers are made to publish science and I don’t believe in that science is made to make publications. I think we have a new world system after 9/11 and a new world dictionary also !!?. I think our world in a deep need for a new dictionary because most of our words are misused and misleading nowadays !!. I am a simple physicist but also, I am sure that I can think logically and people said I am creative.
Imagination is more important than knowledge.
A perfection of means, and confusion of aims, seems to be our main problem.
Albert Einstein Quotes
Exams measure the capacity of our brains not the power.
You need one good published paper only to put your name in the book of history.
Hassan Elsisi Quotes
-   Nikola Tesla is the Forgotten Wizard
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