The Creative Pharaoh 2009 .. 2025 ... مدونة المهندس الفيزيائى حسن السيسى

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Faisal Shahzad And Omar Mukhtar

I saw the declarations of Faisal Shahzad in the American Court  yesterday so I thought to write this article to cover several points in the same article. Faisal said that he was trying to bomb the Time Square two months ago as the Americans used to bomb and to kill Muslims all over the world !!. When he was asked about killing the American children and women he answered that Americans are killing Muslim children in Iraq and PalestineOmar  Mukhtar is a very famous genuine movie for the real leader of Libya who was a great Muslim leader in the beginning of 20th century. Anthony Quinn played the role of Omar Mukhtar and he was a legend as usual. One Libyan solider was going to kill an Italian Solider - an invader - who was a captive so Omar Mukhtar who was Antony Quinn in the movie prevented him from killing the prisoner so the Libyan solider told him that Italians are doing like that to the Libyan captives so we will deal with them by the same manner but Omar Mukhtar told him a genuine sentence that " They aren't our teachers " and I think this one of the most important rules which we should teach to our children in Schools. I think killing children and women is immoral because we fight to defend our lands and to get our lands back. We are moral fighters because we are different than them because we are real fighters but they are terrorists and invaders !!.  

Taliban means the students and I hope that they will listen to our old religious scientists and teachers because Taliban are bringing us a bad reputation and also they are destroying one of the most important precious countries in the Islamic world which is Pakistan by their behavior. I think they are controlled by several worldwide intelligences in the same time from my point of view. I have attached the photo of my  great grandfather Omar Mukhtar to this article.

We should have morals even when we are trying to get our rights. Our prophet prevented us of killing children and women and he is our teacher not the nasty Americans and Israelis soldiers. As I said before the American people aren't our enemies and this point should be clear in our minds because they are still our brothers and sisters in humanity. Our enemies are the soldiers who are occupying our Arabian and Muslim lands. There are some important notes about this accident which we should examine carefully.  

a. Faisal wasn't a strict religious person and his wife was with no headscarf so he is new in  these ideas so it was easy for him to be brain washed. He was born in Pakistan.

b. Pakistan is a nuclear Muslim country so it is the enemy number 1 to America and Israel.

c. Really, Americans are killing children and women in Iraq and Palestine !!!???. 

d. Americans need a reason to legalize their torture to Muslims in several places in the world and to keep the American people and the European people in a mood of fear and panic of Islam so they can achieve their hidden agenda against Islam.

If we mix a,b,c,d then we will understand what is the real situation

Please, watch the coming two video clips carefully............ !!? They are amazing.

A former Italian president and the man who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio Francesco Cossiga has gone public on 9/11, telling Italy's most respected newspaper that the attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad and that this was common knowledge amongst global intelligence agencies. I will end this article by a very famous quote " In order to rally people, governments need enemies. They want us to be afraid, to hate, so we will rally behind them. And if they do not have a real enemy, they will invent one in order to mobilize us.
A Thich Nhat Hanh Quote ( He was a Buddhist monk, teacher, author, poet and peace activist )

ويمكرون ويمكر الله    والله خير الماكرين

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Yesterday, North Korea threatened South Korea seriously and the Pope of Vatican apologized to the Irish sex abuse victims so I thought to write this article about Politics, Cinema and Physics in the same time. I am fond of physics since I was in the secondary school and also I am fond of teaching physics. I believe in that Politics is a branch of physics like all other sciences. I like all branches of knowledge and I have the ability to correlate all of them. For example, if we look carefully to the classical mechanics, we will find it is similar to the science of sociology because it concerns with the study of large amount of peoples and if we look carefully to the science of psychology we will find it is similar to the Quantum mechanics because it deals with single atoms which at last can form macroscopic scale.  

In more simpler words you cannot understand the Quantum mechanics unless you are good in classical mechanics because both of them lead to each other at the end. The science of sociology and the science of psychology are the same because both of them will lead to each other. Most of the scientific simulations have troubles nowadays because lots of scientists don't have the ability to link the classical mechanics and the quantum mechanics in their calculations and simulations.  

The Godfather series for Al Pacino is one the best series ever in Cinema history and it can teach us the concept of politics and the relations between money, religion, power, corruption, and Politics. I remembered that movie directly after I had seen the apology of Pope for the sex abuse scandal in the catholic church. I think our world is governed by power and interests not morals nor laws and the real concepts of civilization, democracy, laws, UN, ........ and humanity are existing  in books only because the real world is totally different.

As usual, I will avoid to explain anything in details but I will give hints only.

1. India and Pakistan were one nation and they are brothers but they are threatening to destroy each other by Nuclear weapons.

2. North Korea and south Korea were one nation and they are brothers but they are threatening to destroy each other by Nuclear weapons.

The question is " What are the roles of America and China in those two crises !!? "

As usual, I will avoid to explain anything in details but I will give hints only.

1. Israel and Arabs are cousins but they have the hottest conflict nowadays.

The question is " When should Arabs deal with America and Israel as one thing and when 
should Arabs deal with them as two different things !!? "

سيدنا محمد كان اعظم سياسى ومعلم عرفه التاريخ

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Helen Thomas

I cannot find words which can express how much I am so grateful to that great grandmother. Really, I hope that I can kiss her hands someday. She is a living brave legend. I am afraid that we are living in the age of women because that lady is better than thousand of coward men !!. Helen Thomas (born August 4, 1920) is an American author and a former news service reporter, Hearst Newspapers columnist, and the Dean of the White House Press Corps. I think her interview in the YouTube is the most important event in 2010 because she was the first one in the 21th century to put the Palestine conflict in its own right path !!. Helen said to Israeli people to get the hell out of Palestine and to go their homes in Poland or Germany. I think this is the most important statment ever in her entire life. She lost her job as usual but she got herself respect !!?. I am afraid that we are living in the age of women Nowadays because we have a deficiency in real men. The definition of Democracy according to the American dictionary is to agree with the American vision.

Through all my articles, I tried to emphasize on some fundamentals and I think this accident was an amazing proof for the concept of humanity. Rachel Corrie and Helen Thomas are Non-Muslim Americans but they were better than thousand of Muslims. Also, this is a clear message to the Islamic fundamentalists that Non-Muslims still our brothers and sisters because there are millions of Non-Muslims like Rachel Corrie and Helen Thomas.

I would like to end this article by sending my greeting and Appreciation to Prof.Dr.Yun Hee Jang because she was a woman of honor. I loved her too much and I respected her too much. She was my professor and my friend at the same time in GIST. I used to talk to her as my elder sister and to take her opinions in several things. I didn't take any class with her but I had a very good relation with her and she was an extraordinary Korean woman. I was hoping to upload her pictures with me but she doesn't like to put her pictures in Public and I have to respect her desire. Thank you very much Prof.Yun and all my best wishes for you.

القدس هترجع لنا القدس هترجع لنا

Friday, June 4, 2010

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)

Samsung LED company donated several hundreds of thousands of dollars to my laboratory to buy advanced devices. This step was my proposal no.5 about collecting donations from big companies in the bulletin board. I have attached the page which proves each word and also it contains a comment from a Vietnamese student about one of my presentations in Nano-ceramics. My advisor has a good relation with Samsung through projects. I told him that we need advanced devices and Samsung should support us to get them.  I had 9 public proposals and 3 nonpublic proposals between me and the administration. 

The celebration of the donation  was held yesterday. This picture contains the CEO of the Samsung LED company and the president of GIST - in the middle - and my advisor and CISS director. I talked about these three peoples in details before in the Men Of Honor article while I was commenting on the pictures which we took together in 2009. I think they let me express my ideas and proposals freely in science and also in life because they believed in my talent .  My Congratulations to Mr.President and to Prof.Dr.Seong-Ju Park who was a very great kind advisor who gave me lots of his time and wisdom.

I don't want to say that I am smart or I am creative but I wanted to send a message with proofs through this Blog to our Arabian world that, the Arabian youth have the talent and they can make big differences when you give us the opportunity. I have several big dreams and I dream that all the Arabian nations will be one nation someday. I know that it is difficult nowadays so I hope that we can make a very big Arabian university which will be one of the top 10 in the world. My dream is to participate in constructing an advanced scientific Arabian university. My works at the Korean University was like an experimental trial for my big dream and I think it was a very good successful experiment. The Arabian world will be back by True Islam and the scientific research not by speeches. I have attached my picture with the president of GIST because I respect and I love him too much. He is a great leader who made a completely new GIST in the last year only !!. I think the change is the only constant in our universe and I am a person who is fond of change in life and in science. I dream to make a real progress in science through publishing 1 paper only because one real paper will be enough.

اطلبوا العلم ولو في الصين

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Freedom Flotilla And Rachel Corrie

I wrote several times that all of us are brothers and sisters in humanity and I thought to give clear evidences today. All the people around the world are talking about the freedom flotilla nowadays and about the cruelness and the inhumanity of the Israeli army but I thought to write about this accident but through two true different stories.

1st Rachel Corrie (April 10, 1979 – March 16, 2003) was "an American member" of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). She was killed in the Gaza Strip by an Israel Defence Forces (IDF) bulldozer while attempting to prevent IDF forces from demolishing the home of a local Palestinian citizen which proves the greatness of the concept of humanity. This was a clear proof that there are some women who are better and stronger than thousands of coward immoral men. 

2nd The Palestinian people are suffering from the economical blockade and I think the problem in the international system not in Israel because to be silent while you are seeing a crime is a big crimeI have a special feeling for the Gaza blockade because I had been in the same situation for 6 months in South Korea. Most people were afraid to help me and I was suffering because they took the half of my scholarship and refused to apply for my legal scholarship which made me loose several thousands of dollars beside my health of course. After several months the president of my Korean university - who is like the prime minster of Turkey - came and saved me and also he said No to this kind of injustice and persecution from two Christian professors against a Muslim student  who refused to accept from his advisor to insult his religion and his God. The strategy of evil is the same everywhere !!?.
الذين اخرجوا من ديارهم بغير حق
 الا ان يقولوا ربنا الله


These two people are too much close to my mind and my heart. Both of them are Christian. I was hoping to get a real brother like Todor who is from Bulgaria. He is one of the most polite generous humans who I have ever met in my whole life. Also, I was hoping to get a real sister like Da-Un and really she is something precious in my life and one of the most beautiful faces and memories for me in South Korea. She was the person who took my graduation pictures and other several important pictures for me in the last two years. Really, she is too much clever in photography and I miss her too much. She was an employee in my Korean university. Both of them are pure innocent people and I loved them too much. I have also several Hindu friends and they were with me in my previous pictures and all of them were great brothers in humanity and great friends. Saravanan and Punithan from India beside Subash from Nepal weren't from my religion or from my country but all of them were kind humans and I have spent most of my times in the last two years in Korea with them. 

Elsisi Golden Rules.

1st There is a big difference between the people of a nation and the government of a nation or in other words Hitler doesn't mean Germany.

2nd There is a big difference between an ideology and the believers of that ideology or in 
other words G.W.Bush doesn't mean Christianity and Ben Laden doesn't mean Islam.

3rd All of us are brothers and sisters in humanity.

 وَلَقَدْ كَرَّمْنَا بَنِي آدَمَ وَحَمَلْنَاهُمْ فِي الْبَرِّ وَالْبَحْرِ وَرَزَقْنَاهُم مِّنَ الطَّيِّبَاتِ
 وَفَضَّلْنَاهُمْ عَلَى كَثِيرٍ مِّمَّنْ خَلَقْنَا تَفْضِيلاً


Islamophobia is the prejudice or the discrimination against Muslims or Islam and Phobia means irrational fear. But I have a different vision for this concept based on facts because it wasn't Phobia but it was a rational fear which was made and guided by false media to achieve an undeclared  agenda. 

1st I wrote a very long article in this Blog in last August to explain in details that Muslims aren't terrorists beside a short article about 911 accident later and I think I have proved through these articles with proofs that the whole situation was guided by false media and some conspiracies because the whole situation was about money, oil, and the military companies which have good relations with politicians but today I will talk about a different kind of war against Muslims because they used to come to invade our countries in the name of any false ideology but this time they want to expel Muslims from Europe and America. The new war will depend on the media only !!?. 

2nd There is a very big war against Muslims in Europe nowadays to prevent them of coming to Europe and to force them to leave to their original homes although millions of them became European citizens. This war took several forms of attacking like preventing the head-scarfs, the mosques, immigration and by persecution. Although, they used to mention that they support the concept of freedom and Europe is liberal !!?. I know the reason and I will attach a very very important video which explains in details the reason of this panic of Muslims in Europe and America. The real reason is the fast spread of Islam which made the conservatives in Europe got Panic although Christians are spending billions of dollars on missionary operations all over the world but Islam still the fast growing religion in the world.

سرعة انتشار الاسلام فى اوروبا والعالم Please, watch this video carefully.

It isn't a clash of civilizations but it is a war between good and evil as usual.
The ideological prostitution is the most dangerous kind of prostitution.

Hassan Elsisi Quotes.

يريدون أن يطفئوا نور الله بأفواههم
 ويأبى الله إلا أن يتم نوره
 ولو كره الكافرون