The Creative Pharaoh 2009 .. 2025 ... مدونة المهندس الفيزيائى حسن السيسى

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Monday, August 31, 2009

My First Picture

In the first picture, I am standing beside Prof.Seong-Ju Park who is my advisor and he is one of the best in the world in Nanosemiconductors and I was also with my Korean laboratory members in NSL Laboratory. In the Second picture I am standing beside Prof.Dr.Robert Huber who is a Nobel Laureate in chemistry 1988 and beside him in the same picture Prof.Kurt E. Geckeler who is one of the best in the world in Nanochemistry. In the third picture I am sitting behind Prof.Dr. Alan J. Heeger who is a Nobel Laureate in chemistry 2000. I was honored to be a student for such great scientists and to meet them in person. I got a very important lesson from Prof.Heeger while he was giving his presentation because although, it was great but it was so simple also. All of them were modest great wise scientists and they taught me lots of lessons in science and in life and I am so grateful to all of them.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Art Of Comedy

Lam was a very good Vietnamese student in my institute and I loved him too much as my younger brother. He asked me a question in our institute website board since long time after I had given a presentation in Nanoceramics in one of my courses. I am the main writer in my university guest board and I had several successful proposals. His question was this “Let me know how to have a great humor sense like you guy!? “And I decided to answer his question today in my own blog because I think this is the right time to answer this question beside my colleges also are following my blog.

My way of joking is to tell the truth. That's the funniest joke in the world.
A Muhammad Ali Quote.
Mohamed Ali was a legend of all times and he is the greatest boxer in history from my point of view and I know all his quotes but this one is one of the best quotes ever. In my presentation which Lam was talking about, all the students and Prof.Dr.Kurt E.Geckeler were laughing for 20 minutes although I did not tell a single joke but all the sentences in my presentation were facts. I am so grateful to Prof.Dr.Kurt E.Geckeler because he gave me the permission to be myself in this presentation and also he is a great open minded philosopher. My advisor in my M.S. is Prof.Dr.Seong-Ju Park who is a very serious scientist. We have several laboratory meetings each week to present our results and all the students become nervous and afraid of our professor while we are presenting our results. Sometimes we make mistakes and he becomes angry of us but I noticed how much he is a kind sensitive human when he starts kidding with us to make us smile and to remove the tension and fear from us after his comments in our meetings.
Today, I will introduce three famous comedians who are using that technique which I was talking about. Chris Rock, Sacha Baron and Maz Jobrani are great " politicians" besides being great comedians because they offer their ideas and deep thoughts through jokes. Although, I don’t agree completely with some of their ideas but also I had to admit that they are talented good artists and thinkers and I like them too much. Chris Rock was a direct reason for the winning of Barack Obama from my point of view. I will choose three clips for them and I hope from you to follow their works because they have the talent to mix science, religion and politics in one packet!!.

I think our beautiful universe will be safer if we get rid of Nuclear weapons, Chemical weapons, Biological weapons and Lots of women.
A Hassan Elsisi Quote.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Galileo Galilei and Fundamentalism Part I

I thought to write this message yesterday after watching the news about Galileo's Telescope 400th anniversary. Suddenly, I have remembered Galileo's life story because I have to admit that Galileo's life story is one of three stories which formulated my personal characters and my psychology. I think the reason of that because I believe in that sciences have no prophets because experiments and proofs are the prophets of all sciences not the humans. I will try to avoid mentioning the details of anything but I will do my best to make this message as a fundamental message to all earth members. I hope from the readers to make their own research about this topic and to use their insight because I believe in that all world problems arise from the ideology of fundamentalism.
So I will start from the end of the story and I will mention that in 2000, Pope John Paul II issued a formal apology for all the mistakes committed by some Catholics in the last 2000 years of the Catholic Church's history, including the trial of Galileo among others. The Galileo affair, in which Galileo Galilee came into conflict with the Catholic Church over his support of Copernican astronomy, is often considered a defining moment in the history of the relationship between religion and science.
The relation between religion, money, science and politics is a very old relation from my point of view which is usually used in a wrong way by nasty weak greedy people to achieve their own personal benefits through the sympathy of people to the concept of religion. Usually, they use the new people in any religion or the young people to achieve their own dreams because the new people and the young people in any religion are the most dangerous thing in any nation because they have the ability to do anything because really they do not understand because they are new in that religion or because they are young. Fundamentalism refers to a belief in a strict adherence to a set of basic principles which are often religious in nature. Sometimes it becomes as a reaction to perceived doctrinal compromises with modern social and political life.

Galileo Galilei and Fundamentalism Part II

Hi All Earth members,

The term fundamentalism was originally coined to describe a narrowly defined set of beliefs that developed into a movement within the Christian community of the United States in the early part of the 20th century. Until 1950, there was no entry for fundamentalism in the Oxford English Dictionary and the derivative fundamentalist was added only in its second 1989 edition. The term fundamentalist has since been generalized to mean strong adherence to any set of beliefs in the face of criticism, but has by and large retained religious connotations.
The Iran hostage crisis marked a major turning point in the use of the term "Fundamentalism". The media, in an attempt to explain the ideology of Ayatollah Khomeini and the Iranian Revolution to a Western audience which had little familiarity with Islam, came to describe it as a "Fundamentalist version of Islam" by way of analogy to the Christian fundamentalist movement in the USA Thus was born the term "Islamic Fundamentalist", which would come to be one of the most common usages of the term in the following years. So it is clear now that the Christianity was the origin of the terminology of fundamentalism and all religions with no exceptions have fundamentalists. I believe in the concept of freedom and also I believe in the concept of religion and I am proud that I am a Muslim and I have chosen to be a Muslim.
I believe in the concept of the laws and all of us should respect the laws and if we mix all these concepts with the appropriate amounts we will conclude that Fundamentalists are the main enemy of our humanity and as I have mentioned several times that, they exist in all religions and in all ideologies and they do not accept the others and it is too much easy for anyone of them to kill in the name of his religion and I think history is a clear proof for what I have mentioned. We should unite against these people and we should fight for our freedom and for our humanity. You are free to believe in what you want and you are free as long as you will not harm anyone including yourself but you are not free to attack me or to kill me or to destroy me in the name of your religion or in the name of your ideology because I am sure it is in the name of power or money not religion as they used to mention. Fundamentalists who I used to call them Psycho people or terrorists in the past are the same in the past and in the present and they will be the same in the future. All of us are brothers in humanity and all of us should help each other and all of us should love each other because all of us are free humans and all of us have the ability to think and to understand.
I wrote that article to prove that we are not terrorists and the Muslims are the most peaceful people in history and nowadays. We do not agree with the ideology of the Islamic fundamentalists but they killed several thousand only but the real terrorists and the real fundamentalists like Hitler, Stalin,…….and G.W.Bush have killed several millions and Hitler, Stalin,…….and G.W.Bush weren't Muslims so who are the real terrorists !!?.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Perfectionism And Gratefulness

Hi All Earth members,

I think our life should be moving between two states which are Perfectionism And Gratefulness. First, perfectionism, in psychology, is a belief that perfection can and should be attained or it is a belief that work or output that is anything less than perfect is unacceptable. All of us should be really grateful to our God, nations, parents, professors,.... and anyone who introduced any help to us.

I will attach three amazing clips as symbols for perfectionism and gratefulness. I will clarify the perfectionism through Nadia Comaneci who was a legend in Olympics in the past because she was the first one in Olympics history to get 10 !!?. I will clarify gratefulness through Dakota Fanning while she was still a young child. She is a legend in cinema nowadays although she is 19 years old only !!?. And through Michael Jackson while he was talking with James Brown who is a great legend also and this is one of the reasons which made me loves Michael Jackson because he was so grateful to his teacher and all of us should be grateful to our teachers and to any one who gave us help and advice.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Taxi Driver

Taxi Driver is a very good movie which is directed by the famous Martin Scorsese. I do not agree with the main idea of the movie. I do not agree to change the bad things in your society " by force " because Robert De Nero at the end of the movie killed the sex trader but he couldn't kill the politician which symbolizes  the situation of the world  nowadays. I do not agree with this idea because this will give all people and anyone the right to kill or to do what he wants because he thinks that he is right. But I agree with the movie in that, some politicians and sex traders are the same. Both of them are the worse thing in our universe. If we call physics as the mother of all sciences, I think we have to call history as the father. If we look carefully in history we will find that the most stupid nasty cruel bad people in the whole history were politicians. Hitler was controlled by two destructive ideas and he killed millions to achieve his two ideas which got them from the famous writers Lamarck and Nietzsche. I hope all people will fully understand why did I say before that Shakespeare's works are more important than Einstein's works.
I was in China to attend a very famous international fair in Shanghai for my previous Korean company and really it is an amazing country and I enjoyed too much. A director of another company invited me for dinner and to visit the most famous street in that city. While we were moving a girl about 18 years old came and talked to me and offered herself for some money which if we transfer to dollars it will be about 20 $ only. I was shocked because she is really beautiful but I told her that I am sorry because I like white women only and really I am fond of white women but this was not the real reason of course. After 10 minutes a sex trader came to us with an amazing white girl and at that time I had to tell him the truth that I am a Muslim and we do not accept that kind of slavery behaviour. My eyes were full of tears because we made women like food. Animals don't have sex for money because sometimes the animals are more civilized than some dirty humans.
The most important movie in cinema history from my point of view is Seven and it explains in details why I did not agree with the main idea of taxi driver. Most of the world problems will be solved if we fully understand the main idea of seven because the extremists in any religion or in any ideology are doing the main idea of that movie. I think all religions without any exceptions have extremists or in other words fundamentalists. If we follow the news in the last weeks we will find them are explained in details in Seven and Taxi Driver.
- Please, watch this scene carefully.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was a great singer and he was the king of POP. I was fond of his songs when I was young. I will choose only two songs for Michael to show that he was a real legend. I will choose the earth song which is talking about our earth and the second one is they don't care about us song which is talking about our humanity. I think Barack Obama became the president of USA because of several reasons and I think the second song is one of these reasons. The purpose of science and art from my point of view is to help and to enhance our earth and our humanity. Michael was a great person and I believe in that great people make great mistakes but it is better not to comment about his mistakes now because he is already dead. His father affected his psychology too much and his father made him unstable and psycho in some periods in his life. Life is beautiful and we should be grateful that we still alive. Money, sex, food, and power are not too much important at all but I think to live peacefully and to love all people and to work for your country as long as it is right and for our humanity is the most important thing in our life.
I think death is the only indubitable fact in our life. Einstein believed in that our life is deterministic from classical mechanics point of view and Feynman believed in that our life is probabilistic from quantum mechanics point of view and both of them are Nobel laureates. But I think both of them are wrong because both of them refused each other theory. I think our life is deterministic in itself but it is probabilistic for us in our experiments and measurements and I said that in a poster paper in an international conference. No one can know when he will die and no one can know his future or.....etc.
Life is a long journey or you can say it is an exam and we have to pass that exam. Some questions in life are mandatory and some questions you can ignore. Sometimes we have a difficult mandatory question and to answer that question you will have lots of enemies but I prefer to have a big number of enemies than to fail in my life exam. I will always be proud that I am a human and I will always defend my rights as a free human and I will always be truthful but I amnot happy that I have a big number of enemies who are psycho people.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Art Of Cinema

Hi All Earth members,
I am fond of Physics, Cinema, History, and Pictures because Physics is the mother of all sciences and history can tell you the future if you are smart enough. A picture can tell a story a thousand words can't. Any good movie is a good book in first principle. Now, I hope all people will understand and follow my messages style in this Blog. I will mention some beautiful movies from my point of view and I will post my comments about each movie in details later when I have enough time.
Scent of a woman, 28 Days Later, The Godfather I,II,III , The Butterfly Effect, The Silence of the Lamps, Red Dragon, The Rock, Shall We Dance, Tuesdays with Morrie, A beautiful mind, Forrest Gump, Legends of the Fall, Taxi Driver, Untergang Downfall, Phone Booth, Lion of the Desert, Heat, Scary Movie, The Sliding Doors, and Seven are great movies of all times.


Hi All Earth members,
I believe in that, Oscar Prize is more important than Nobel Prize because Shakespeare's works are more important than Einstein's works from my point of view. I remember a genuine sentence from one of Shakespeare's novels about nomenclature when he wrote that, if we change the name of the flower, it will still be beautiful and it will have a beautiful smell and shape. Scientific nomenclature has lots of big mistakes like the atom which has a misleading meaning because we can divide the atom itself but its Latin meaning means the indivisible. One of the most important words in physics is the QUARK but it is meaningless because Prof.Dr.Murray Gell-Mann chose that name for his great discovery from a novel he was reading. Sometimes names are nothing but most of the times names are everything. The great people are the people who succeed to change their names to titles.

My Opinion About Women

Hi All Earth members,
I would like to send my greetings and appreciation to my mother in Egypt who is the most precious woman in my life and she will always be the greatest woman who I have ever met in my whole life.

I believe in that women are humans but they are biologically and psychologically different than men. Women and men are not equal but both of us are humans but our main jobs in life are different and you can find a woman who is smarter and greater than one thousands man !!?. The main job of women in life from my point of view is to bear and to raise the children which is one of the greatest jobs in life at all so they are biologically different. Also, they are psychologically different to have the ability to deal with children and to deal with their husbands also because all men are just old children !!?. Women are more compassionate and sensitive than men and these are the most beautiful characteristics in any good woman. Also, women are too much smart and strong and I hope from all people to read the biography of Margaret Thatcher, Helen Keller, and Marie Curie to realize the meaning of a strong smart woman. Marie Curie has a Nobel prizes in physics and another Nobel prize in chemistry!!.
Usually we look at women and also women look at themselves from a limited point of view. We usually look at the beauty of women through their bodies only although the real beauty in any woman is hidden in her heart and it is clear through her mind and any smart man can feel this hidden beauty easily. I saw a very old Korean woman who is over 80 years old at least some weeks ago. I went to her and I sat beside her and I put my hands over her shoulders like I used to do with my mother in Egypt and I was so close to kiss her hands but I felt shy to do that but I asked from her to take a picture with me and she was with her two old daughters and they kept begging her to take a picture with me but she said that she is not beautiful nowadays !!?. So although she is 80 years old but she is still thinking in her beauty !!?.

I love children and old people because they are symbols of the innocence and our weakness. All humans are weak from my point of view and no one will feel proud or powerful or beautiful if he is smart enough. I think good women are the most beautiful thing in our universe for any man but they are not too much nowadays because the stupid men are too much nowadays.

The Great Scientists

Hi All Earth members,
I have discovered since 10 years that Einstein and Feynman are just humans like us !!. Both of them are great scientists and they are Nobel laureates but I believe in that Einstein and Feynman and all the great scientists are humans like us so we also have the right and the ability to dream and to try to publish in Nature and to get a Nobel prize. Imagination is more important than knowledge and Einstein as a student he was no Einstein!!. I hope that all people will like my old discovery but also I would like to mention that Gauss is the greatest scientist in history from my point of view but he did not publish in Nature and he did not receive a Nobel prize so I hope that my whole vision about the scientists and science is clear now. I have attached the picture of Feynman because he is one of my best teachers ever. I have watched several video lectures for him which formulated my vision for Quantum Mechanics. He is an extraordinary teacher from my point of view.

Friday, August 21, 2009

My First Message ...

Hi All Earth members,

This is my first message in this blog and I hope that you will enjoy my writings and I hope to receive your continuous support through your valuable comments and discussions.
Hassan Elsisi         1st Ramadan 1430

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم